Wednesday, 23 January 2013

The yellow crested geckos of the Isle of Pines...

As already mentioned in other posts, basically all the Crested Geckos found on the Isle of Pines where yellow and very little pattern. Only the juveniles or semi adult animals had stripes or a marbled pattern on the back and flanks. We noticed this in all populations on the island.

Male of the east coast

Detail of a male from the east coast

Female from the east coast

Female from the east coast

Semi adult from the west coast

Female from the west coast


  1. great pictures. love the one who still have the tail intact as most of them loose them quite early in the wild. keep it up :D

  2. Amazing. Can't wait to see more.

  3. I'm delighted with photos from this expedition. Fascinating to see all these geckos as they are without human intervention.. and in their preferred habitat.
